\Swac_Index_Tags [GLOBAL] SWAC_ALPHAIDX=(conversation) SWAC_COLL_AUTHORS=Bernadette Perrin-Riou, Csilla Ducrocq, Mary Maury SWAC_COLL_COPYRIGHT=Copyright© 2009 Bernadette Perrin-Riou, Mary Maury SWAC_COLL_DESC=Cette collection est essentiellement destinée aux personnes étudiant l'anglais comme langue étrangère ainsi qu'à la production de matériel pédagogique. SWAC_COLL_LICENSE=Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 U.S SWAC_COLL_ORG_URL=http://wimsedu.info/ SWAC_COLL_SECTION=Conversation SWAC_COLL_URL=http://swac-collections.org/ SWAC_LANG=eng SWAC_SPEAK_BIRTH_YEAR=1940 SWAC_SPEAK_GENDER=F SWAC_SPEAK_LANG=eng SWAC_SPEAK_LANG_COUNTRY=US SWAC_SPEAK_LANG_REGION=Midwest SWAC_SPEAK_LIV_COUNTRY=FR SWAC_SPEAK_LIV_TOWN=Paris SWAC_SPEAK_NAME=Mary Maury SWAC_TECH_DATE=2009-09-22 SWAC_TECH_SOFT=Shtooka Recorder/1.3 [eng-02de63f3.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Would you prefer excellent pay or job satisfaction? [eng-0367124d.flac] SWAC_TEXT=If we make an offer [eng-03caf866.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are some of your strengths? [eng-04534bb9.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are some of your weaknesses? [eng-086fecbf.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Which courses that you took will contribute the most to your effective performance in this job? [eng-0ef70437.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Can you tell me what the major sources of conflict in organisations are. [eng-0f309ff8.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Do you work well under pressure? [eng-107d3f02.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How do you define success? [eng-12f3a2c0.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Tell me how you handled an ethical dilemma. [eng-1466a782.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What have you learned from your extracurricular activities? [eng-18dbac7d.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What qualities make for a good boss? [eng-1ab9a8d1.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Why do you want to work for us? [eng-248ae249.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Why should I hire you? [eng-26d2e799.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are the three most common weaknesses of managers and supervisors? [eng-28b0f192.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What experience have you had in writing technical materials? [eng-2d5f3a72.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What do you think your salary will be in five years? [eng-3142cea2.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Do you have plans for additional education? [eng-38ab3410.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What do you think it takes to be successful in our company? [eng-3a111b18.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How would a supervisor evaluate an administrative employee's performance? [eng-3babf753.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What subject did you dislike and why? [eng-42ed0a22.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Why is feedback important? [eng-45b0e420.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How will your degree help you succeed in the job that you are interviewing for? [eng-47e8cfc2.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What is your proudest accomplishment? [eng-49422430.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Why did you choose the college that you attended? [eng-49d18a89.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Can you describe the ideal supervisor-subordinate relationship? [eng-4a303971.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Is there anything you would like to say to close the interview? [eng-4b14ff61.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Tell me your specific qualifications that make you the best candidate for this job [eng-4bc66c13.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Why did you select the major that you selected? [eng-4db6eccf.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Can you tell me how you completed all your work at a time your course load was very heavy. [eng-4ddff0a3.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Can you tell us what quality that you possess is the most outstanding. [eng-505d351e.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Can you name the situations in which a supervisor should use a direct order. [eng-5319374a.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are your salary expectations? [eng-597b8e67.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What rewards do you expect from your career? [eng-5a97900b.flac] SWAC_TEXT=I wonder if you can describe the process by which conflict in an organisation should be addressed. [eng-5eda22d4.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are some examples of activities and surroundings that motivate you? [eng-5eef956f.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Can you say how employees may be recognized for excellent performance. [eng-74c523f5.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How should an assignment be made to an employee? [eng-7af247a7.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Are you a leader or a follower? [eng-7eb0aa3e.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What steps can a superviser take to improve the capabilities of staff? [eng-8149e882.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Can you tell us about your experience in developing technical materials. [eng-837215fd.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Are you interested in promotional opportunities? [eng-83761a89.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Tell me what you know about this organisation. [eng-8771d9dc.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are your career goals for the next 5 years? [eng-8cddd713.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How do you make yourself indispensable to a company? [eng-8e56e4ed.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are the characteristics of an effective supervisor? [eng-8ebedb4f.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Tell me about a time when you had to resolve a problem with no rules or guidelines in place. [eng-8f656da5.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What is your personal life situation? [eng-9478c53c.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What do you like the most about the career that you're seeking? [eng-9d116fba.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How has your education prepared you for this position? [eng-9d93f1c1.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What aspects of your education will assist you in the job that you are seeking? [eng-a2d005a1.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Will you accept part-time employment or job sharing? Explain why or why not. [eng-a60521b0.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What achievement in your life are you the most proud of? [eng-a793d945.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What was the single most important lesson that you have learned in school? [eng-b3c02749.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What are your long-range career objectives ? [eng-b5fa6ffc.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How will you achieve your long-range career objectives ? [eng-b8a9b082.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How did you like your last job and why did you leave? [eng-bd9d460f.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How can you contribute to our organisation? [eng-bed97805.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How would your best friend describe you? [eng-bf7c2ef0.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What subject was your favorite and why? [eng-c88f903d.flac] SWAC_TEXT=If you were hiring a person for this position, what qualities would you look for in an applicant? [eng-cca25767.flac] SWAC_TEXT=If you could live 10 years over again [eng-d2c693d2.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How did you get along with your former boss and co-workers? [eng-d9743fe2.flac] SWAC_TEXT=I wonder if you could tell us about a challenging technical problem that you've come accross and how you addressed it. [eng-dde69e12.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Tell me about a time when you had to accomplish a task with someone who was particularly difficult to get along with. [eng-ddef06a2.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Why did you choose this career? [eng-efd3b52b.flac] SWAC_TEXT=How do you work with others? [eng-f10f0164.flac] SWAC_TEXT=What do you like the least about the career that you're seeking? [eng-fae4e7dc.flac] SWAC_TEXT=Aren't you a little young for this position?